Chain of Responsibility

Real world example

For example, you have three payment methods (A, B and C) setup in your account each having a different amount in it. A has 100 USD, B has 300 USD and C having 1000 USD and the preference for payments is chosen as A then B then C. You try to purchase something that is worth 210 USD. Using Chain of Responsibility, first of all account A will be checked if it can make the purchase, if yes purchase will be made and the chain will be broken. If not, request will move forward to account B checking for amount if yes chain will be broken otherwise the request will keep forwarding till it finds the suitable handler. Here A, B and C are links of the chain and the whole phenomenon is Chain of Responsibility.

In plain words

It helps building a chain of objects. Request enters from one end and keeps going from object to object till it finds the suitable handler.

Wikipedia says

In object-oriented design, the chain-of-responsibility pattern is a design pattern consisting of a source of command objects and a series of processing objects. Each processing object contains logic that defines the types of command objects that it can handle the rest are passed to the next processing object in the chain.

Programmatic Example

Translating our account example above. First of all we have a base account having the logic for chaining the accounts together and some accounts

class Account {

    setNext(account) {
        this.successor = account
    pay(amountToPay) {
        if (this.canPay(amountToPay)) {
            console.log(`Paid ${amountToPay} using ${}`)
        } else if (this.successor) {
            console.log(`Cannot pay using ${}. Proceeding...`)
        } else {
            console.log('None of the accounts have enough balance')
    canPay(amount) {
        return this.balance >= amount

class Bank extends Account {
    constructor(balance) {
        super() = 'bank'
        this.balance = balance

class Paypal extends Account {
    constructor(balance) {
        super()        = 'Paypal'
        this.balance = balance

class Bitcoin extends Account {
    constructor(balance) {
        super()        = 'bitcoin'
        this.balance = balance

Now let's prepare the chain using the links defined above (i.e. Bank, Paypal, Bitcoin)

// Let's prepare a chain like below
//      bank.paypal.bitcoin
// First priority bank
//      If bank can't pay then paypal
//      If paypal can't pay then bit coin

const bank = new Bank(100)          // Bank with balance 100
const paypal = new Paypal(200)      // Paypal with balance 200
const bitcoin = new Bitcoin(300)    // Bitcoin with balance 300


// Let's try to pay using the first priority i.e. bank

// Output will be
// ==============
// Cannot pay using bank. Proceeding ..
// Cannot pay using paypal. Proceeding ..: 
// Paid 259 using Bitcoin!

Last updated